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Elderly Couple Contract


Image by Estée Janssens

Tax Deadline Extended to May 17th


Typically, you have until April 15th to file your taxes. This year, however, is different. In response to the pandemic, the IRS had the tax deadline extended to May 17th, [...]

The New House

What You Need to Know About the Continued Booming Housing Market


We’re in the middle of a global pandemic, so why booming the housing market? After all, the economy is down, and countless Americans are struggling with their finances. After all, the [...]


Retirement Income Planning 101


When it comes to retirement and retirement income, you probably know that saving for it as early as possible is essential. This way, you can tap into the power of [...]

Sibling Love

Protect Your Loved Ones with Life Insurance


This Valentine’s Day, you owe it to yourself to show your loved ones just how much they mean to you. By investing in life insurance, you can protect your loved [...]


Why Are Interest Rates So Low?


There’s no denying that the Coronavirus pandemic has led to economic decline and uncertainty. As a result, the Federal Reserve has lowered interest rates. […]

Business Meeting

How to Prepare for Retirement in a Post-COVID Era


If the coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on your finances, you may need to rethink your retirement strategy if you’ve lost your job, work part-time, or transitioned to a [...]

Working on the Go

Empowering Women to Make Financial Decisions


It’s important for everyone, including women, to make smart financial decisions that steer them toward financial success. When women thrive financially, they may feel less financial stress leading to independence [...]

Elderly Woman at Gym

Women and Retirement


When it comes to retirement, women can experience more challenges saving for retirement than men. Some of these challenges include leaving the workforce to care for children or other families [...]

Tax Income Reports

How to Prepare for Tax Season


Tax season is fast approaching! If you’re hiring a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), accountant, or other tax professional to handle your taxes, you still have to do some work. It’s [...]

USA Flag

How the New President May Affect Your Finances


In honor of President’s Day on February 15th, it may be a good idea to discuss with your financial professional how our new president, Joe Biden, may affect your finances, [...]


Financial Aid Awareness Month Tips and Ideas


February is Financial Aid Awareness Month. Its purpose is to provide important information to students and their families about financial aid. If you have children or grandchildren who plan to attain [...]


Hobbies and Your Health


According to Wikipedia, “A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one’s leisure time, not professionally and not for pay. Hobbies can [...]

Kids with Pumpkins

Fall Festivities and Socializing- Safely.


Socializing is critical for mental health, and people who associate with others live longer. Research also concludes that isolation can often lead to loneliness, depression, and other health problems. Especially [...]

Upward Curve

Lowering Interest Rates: Good for the Economy and the Markets?


Interest rates can positively or negatively affect the U.S. economy, the stock markets, and your investments. When the Fed changes the Federal Funds Rate (the rate at which banks can [...]


Life Insurance as Unique as You


Your life insurance needs are unique to your situation and can change over your lifetime. For some people, life insurance is to provide assets to raise a young family in [...]

Investment Chart

Investment Risk During and After COVID-19


Investment risk is always present, but during COVID-19, the stock market has experienced so much volatility that investors are beginning to wonder where to invest. Investors must consider how investment [...]

Donation Boxes

Using Life Insurance for Charitable Giving

Many people have causes they are passionate about, whether it is a non-profit institution, animal or human rights efforts, homelessness, cancer research, or another mission that benefits society. Some of these causes represent personal experiences that donors would like to help resolve for future generations, such as giving to a cancer research fund after a loved one passes. Still, others are passionate about conservation and may donate money to save rainforests.


The 2020 Election: Check Your Emotions and Stay Invested


November third is fast approaching, and you may be wondering how the 2020 Presidential election might impact your portfolio. Here is what we know from a historical perspective: […]

Dollar Notes

What Does Wealth Mean to You?


When people think of wealth, they might think of examples in films, such as Veruca Salt from the 1971 classic Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. Little Veruca had everything she [...]

Caring Child

The CARES Act and RMD: Relief for Investors


YOu The CARES Act (The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) contains the legislation for Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) for those over age 70 ½ and have already started [...]

Bar Chart

Inflation and Taxes Could Rise. Are You Ready for Retirement?


Americans are starting to see the impact of increasing prices at the supermarket and the start of inflation. Also, clothing at retail stores is depleting as manufacturing has halted, creating [...]

Recieving a Letter

Need to Roll Over Your 401(k)? Consider a Fixed-Indexed Annuity


When you leave your employer, you also discontinue contributing to your 401(k) or receiving your employer’s match. You may be going on to another employer or possibly retiring. Either way, [...]

Signing a Contract

Now is the Time to Schedule Your Fall Financial Review


October is the financial planning month and a great time to meet with your financial professional to ask questions, review policy and portfolio performance, and make decisions that keep you [...]

rwreg bi.jfif

Reg BI: What Is It, and Why Should You Care?


On June 30, 2020, Regulation Best Interest, or Reg BI for short, officially went into effect. But what is Reg BI, exactly? Where did it come from, and how does [...]

Covid-19 Screening

The Upside of the COVID-19 Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has pulled the rug out from under just about everyone on every continent.  This pandemic has understandably had a dramatic effect on the everyday lives of most [...]

Working at Home

The Enjoyment of Remote Work

Remote work is the ‘new normal’ since businesses have transitioned to remote operations or have completely closed for the duration of COVID-19. During 2020, the remote work culture has projected forward due to necessity, and companies that made the transition swiftly have also reaped the rewards of continual revenue during this period.

 Scales of Justice

Why Does Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Matter?


When looking to protect your financial future in today’s COVID-19 environment, it’s essential to understand how the economy functions on a historical basis as it relates to the country’s GDP [...]



1900 N AMIDON, STE 218, WICHITA, KS 67203

Phone: 316-682- PLAN (7526)



Wealth Teams Alliance (WTA) is a registered investment adviser offering advisory services in the States of California and Florida and in other jurisdictions where exempted. Registration with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, or any state securities authority, does not imply a certain level of skill or training. The presence of this website on the Internet shall not be directly or indirectly interpreted as a solicitation of investment advisory services to persons of another jurisdiction unless otherwise permitted by statute. Follow-up or individualized responses to consumers in a particular state by our firm in the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation shall not be made without our first complying with jurisdiction requirements or pursuant an applicable state exemption. All written content on this site is for information purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of WTA, unless otherwise specifically cited. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources and no representations are made by our firm as to another parties’ informational accuracy or completeness. Investing involves risk, including the potential for loss of principal. All information or ideas provided should be discussed in detail with an advisor, accountant or legal counsel prior to implementation.

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